[最も共有された! √] タスク アクト 4 186147-タスクアクト4
タスク・アクト4 (Tasuku Akuto 4) (E Hold ORA Barrage) Tusk ACT4 pummels the opponent with a barrage of 40 fast punches, each dealing a devastating amount of damage (R ORA Punch) Tusk ACT4 strikes the target with an incredible spinimbued right hook, sending the target flying forwards for one secondPanoramic_ changed description of 「Tusk Act 4」 panoramic_ moved 「Tusk Act 4」 lower panoramic_ copied 「Tusk Act 4」 from Ability in list Stands4 DMG per second By the time the debuff wears off, it will have dealt roughly 50% of your maximum health Even if the debuff wears off during stopped time, you will still be able to move (H Infinite Rotation Bullet) The player pauses and uses Tusk ACT4 to charge a nail with infinite spin energy, then fires it at your cursor
手描き タスクact4 葵辺獄 さんのイラスト ニコニコ静画 イラスト
タスクアクト4-タスク・アクト4 (Tasuku Akuto 4) 「PASSIVE A」 Way of the Spin Due to the power of spin, the user is granted passive 2% health regeneration per second タスクact4がイラスト付きでわかる! 漫画 「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」第七部に登場するスタンド タスクの最終形態。 概要 破壊力 a / スピード b / 射程距離 c / 持続力 a / 精密動作性 b / 成長性 e 成長性 a→e、すなわち完成>スタープラチナ。 馬を黄金長方形のフォームで走らせ
タスク・アクト4 (Tasuku Akuto 4) 「PASSIVE A」 Way of the Spin Due to the power of spin, the user is granted passive 2% health regeneration per secondタスクact3がイラスト付きでわかる! 七部に登場するスタンドタスクの第三形態 概要 破壊力 d / スピード d / 射程距離 d / 持続力 d / 精密動作性 c / 成長性 a アクセル・ro戦にて、「遺体」の元となった人物の囁きを受け、迷いを捨てたことでスタンド能力が進化した。* タスク・アクト4 (Tasuku Akuto 4) 「PASSIVE A」 Infinite Rotation This passive only activates if you are in horse back mode and have the BR Tusk Act 4 on Bizarre Inc BR Tusk Act 4
4 DMG per second By the time the debuff wears off, it will have dealt roughly 50% of your maximum health Even if the debuff wears off during stopped time, you will still be able to move (H Infinite Rotation Bullet) The player pauses and uses Tusk ACT4 to charge a nail with infinite spin energy, then fires it at your cursorタスク・アクト4 (Tasuku Akuto 4) Passive Way of the Spin Due to the power of spin, the user is granted passive 2% health regeneration per second Obtainable by using Holy Corpse on Spin Moves E Hold ORA Barrage Tusk ACT4 pummels the opponent with a barrage of 40 fast punches, each dealing a devastating amount of damage R ORA4 DMG per second By the time the debuff wears off, it will have dealt roughly 50% of your maximum health Even if the debuff wears off during stopped time, you will still be able to move (H Infinite Rotation Bullet) The player pauses and uses Tusk ACT4 to charge a nail with infinite spin energy, then fires it at your cursor
タスク・アクト4 (Tasuku Akuto 4) 「PASSIVE A」 Way of the Spin Due to the power of spin, the user is granted passive 2% health regeneration per second 「PASSIVE B」 Interdimensional You must use Self Nullification Blow to gain access to this passiveタスク・アクト4 (Tasuku Akuto 4) 「PASSIVE A」 Way of the Spin Due to the power of spin, the user is granted passive 2% health regeneration per secondタスク・アクト4 (Tasuku Akuto 4) 「PASSIVE A」 Way of the Spin Due to the power of spin, the user is granted passive 2% health regeneration per second
4 DMG per second By the time the debuff wears off, it will have dealt roughly 50% of your maximum health Even if the debuff wears off during stopped time, you will still be able to move ( Infinite Rotation Bullet) The player pauses and uses Tusk ACT4 to charge a nail with infinite spin energy, then fires it at your cursorタスク・アクト4 (Tasuku Akuto 4) Actions Sarah Kathleen Flaherty attached imagepng to Tusk Act 4 Sarah Kathleen Flaherty changed description of Tusk Act 4 Sarah Kathleen Flaherty attached imagepng to Tusk Act 4 Sarah Kathleen Flaherty added Tusk Act 4